Friday, November 20, 2009

Day at the park

On one of our holiday day offs, we went to the park and rode bikes for the first time as a family.

Things to do in Japan:Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

On one of our weekend trips, we took the kids to one of the largest aquariums in Japan. Here Bella looks at a Beluga whale.
We saw this spider at the park. Nearly all the spiders here look like this. Very creepy.
We thought this was a cute picture of Bella looking at the ducks. It looks like the duck is about to bite her nose.

Things to do in Japan: See DisneyLand and DisneySea

Bella and Will ride on a jellyfish ride at Disney Sea.
DisneySea is like DisneyLand but all the attractions are water-based or based on movies that involve water like The Little Mermaid.
Here we're on a train, which Bella always loves.
T is for Tennessee Vols, and for Tigger the Tiger :) Bella and Ros are about to ride the merry go round.

Things to do in Japan: Erinji Samurai Temple

Following Japanese custom, we removed our shoes before entering this temple. Slippers are provided in two sizes: adult (way too small for Will) and child (too big for Bella).

The bridge that leads to the wooden floors that intentionally creak with every step like high pitched birds, which was a homemade form of security system they used.
Rosalynn's parents.
Rosalynn's mom in front of a beautiful courtyard.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things to do in Japan: Shosenkyo Gorge

Hiking up alongside Shosenkyo Gorge.
Marveling the beauty of autumn leaves changing colors.
We have experienced many rainy days. This waterfall is a result of God's blessing from rain.
Riding in a cable car. Hold on tight Bella!
Spectacular view from the top.