Sunday, February 14, 2010

What's on the menu?

Prunes are on the menu at every meal. Evan went 11 days without having a dirty diaper. We started rice cereal and first foods (sweet potatoes and sweet peas) in the previous two weeks. The pediatrician said this was a common issue and that a child he's recently seen is on a two-week regularity. He is getting comfortable with the process of moving food around in his mouth and swallowing it. I mix the prunes with sweet potato or squash and he likes the combination. I think he's ready to move onto something he can chew on, because he seems bored or reluctant to eat. Perhaps it's because of the prunes.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Preschool: Friendship Day Tea Party

Happy Valentine's Day!
Daddy, Mommy, Evan thank you for coming to our party!
Let's get this party started!
Bella's Teacher, Ms. Lisa
Happy Friendship Day!
Passing out Friendship Cards, this one is for Erin.
First, we eat. Open wide Evan!
Crunchie, munchie, Evan!
Then have something sweet. Sugars, Evan!
Catching snowflakes on my tongue. What a TREAT!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things to do in Japan: Snow fun!!

Snow Angel Bella
Snow fell overnight
This snowman is wearing a snowhat.
Bella gave him eyes, she's pointing them out to me.
Evan's first snowball

Bella talks to Evan about snow: "It's white. It's cold."

Our attempt at sledding. The tupperware lid didn't quite work as I hoped. A baking sheet works. Santa, please send a sled next year! Big enough for two so Evan will be able to ride too!
Building a snowman.
Hmmmpppphhh...I want to play in the snow too!
Brrrrr! IT IS COLD!!!
optical illusion: it looks like a miniature Bella is standing on Evan's head! hahaha

Poke an orange like mommy

This is the way Rosalynn used to eat her oranges
attached to her finger, yum-yum like a popsicle!